
I’m not sure where the heck the week has gone. It’s Friday already?!

Whether it’s ‘new mom syndrome’ or your workweek has been crammed with to-do’s, there’s plenty of ways to de-stress and unwind in order to completely enjoy the weekend, from sipping a few (or more) bevvies at the bar to soaking in hot bath with a glass of wine. Since I’ve had Little C, my personal favourite relaxation technique is the hot bath-pj’s-movie-with-popcorn-and wine combo. Seriously, you can’t go wrong with that.

I’m thinking of upgrading my site here on wordpress so that I can make this a bit more ‘me’. More ‘Beautiful C’. I’m honestly kinda nervous about this thought since I have to buy it, but this is a hobby, and a person has to sink a little money into a hobby, no matter what, right?

There are a few reason I call this blog Beautiful C. The first is that it is a play on words (which is one of my favourite things to shout when I hear one) since I’m totally captivated by water. Whenever I hear waves splashing on a shore I just stop in my tracks and, for a single moment, feel totally ‘right’. I don’t know why I feel this way, and I’m sure I’m not the only one! It is also a slightly ironic title, since I live in southern Manitoba, Canada, and although this province does have an ocean-access port (through Hudson’s Bay), we are located almost exactly in the middle of the North American Continent and really can’t get much more land-locked than this!

Lastly, although my name starts with a C, I really don’t see it as a vain reflection of myself. Really! My son’s name starts with a ‘C’ as does my husband’s and if we have more children (fingers crossed) then their names will start with a ‘C’ too. We can call it a homage to a letter that I love!

See you next time, xoxo


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